Week 37: Amabrush, the handsfree toothbrush

(Click on the picture above to start the movie) Inventor: Marvin Musialek Website: www.amabrush.com History: the company raised 3.2 million via kickstarter. When available: first delivery in the world: September 25th, 2018 Price (USD): $129 for a starter set What is...

Week 36: Flakka (designer drug)

What is Flakka? Recently, there have been a lot of outrageous stories about people in Florida doing strange things. For example, a man rushed out of his house in Miami a month ago. He ripped off all his clothes and screamed violently while running. This occurred after...

Week 35: Cheese Tea

What is Cheese Tea? Cheese Tea is a cup of tea topped with a thick layer of creamy foam. The foam is typically made from a mixture of cream cheese, whipped cream, and milk. It’s akin to a lightly whipped, cheesecake-flavoured milkshake sitting delicately on top...